Self Co-Ordinated Licensed Systems
Self Co-ordinated licensed equipment is primarily used for short haul Point to Point links in High Density areas. These licenses allow for very high bandwidth over shorter distances. We offer equipment in 60, 70 and 80Ghz ranges to give our clients greater flexibility and allow our clients multi Gigabit Ethernet links with low licence costs.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do Microwave Links work?
Microwave links receive packets from the local network, if the packets destination is the remote network they will be passed to the transmitter, antenna, across the air, received by the remote antenna which passes the packets to the receiver and out onto the remote network. The antenna is used to direct the beam across the air to its paired antenna. Links operate in either full duplex or half duplex. Full Duplex is the term used for when the transmitter/receiver can send packets and receive packets at the same time. Half Duplex radios can only send or receive packets one at a time.
How do I know is my microwave link has interference?
The first sign that a link has interference is link performance, the network users will notice that the link is not receiving as normal. Checking the Receive Signal Level (RSL) and error rates is needed for confirmation. For most systems the RSL should generally be greater than -65dBm, if the RSL is lower than -65dBm and the receive error rate is increasing the Outdoor Unit (ODU) cannot work out which packet it should be receiving as there are other radios using the same or adjacent frequency for transmitting.